Way to Become Attractive #1 Take Proper Care of Yourself
This means that your diet should be a healthy one. It should be the one which is low calorie and low fat, and devoid of fast food. The majority of your meals should be filled with brightly colored vegetables and fruits. In addition, you should also have a strenuous workout regimen, one in which you exercise at least five times per week. Lastly, don't forget to drink plenty of water. In fact, water should be mostly what you drink because it help cleanses impurities from the body.
Way to Become Attractive #2 Don't Subscribe to All the Latest Fads
Fads come and go, especially in the beauty and health industry. The sad fact is that most of these fads are scams and don't work. The only scientifically proven way to stay healthy and attractive long into old age is through a healthy diet and exercise.
Way to Become Attractive #3 Don't Compare Yourself to Others
An attractive person is one who stands out from the rest of the pack, so it's amazing that most people strive to look like certain celebrities. Look, the fact of the matter is that no matter how hard a person tries they will never be able to mold their body and feature to look like their favorite famous person. Instead of focusing on this, they should focus on becoming attractive in a unique way. This approach will get a person noticed much faster.
Way to Become Attractive #4: Don't Wear Yourself Out
Starving yourself and forcing yourself through rigorous exercise in the gym day in and day out is counterproductive to looking attractive and being healthy. Of course, you want to be thin. But you should not be so thin that you look sick. You can kill yourself in the gym everyday if you want, but you must make sure that you're eating a properly balanced diet so that your body can benefit from the exercise properly.
Way to Become Attractive #5 Be Committed
You should understand that being healthy and attractive is a lifetime commitment. Sure, occasionally you're going to slip and eat a big greasy hamburger. But understand that 99.9% of the time you won't be doing this. There's absolutely no way around this. If you're not committed to the lifestyle you won't be able to live it.
We live in a society where everyone has become obsessed with how other people see them. If you truly want to become attractive and start standing out then you have to follow the steps above, as well as build self-confidence in yourself that you're an attractive person. If you can do this, other people will pick up on this and you truly will be an attractive person.