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Sunday, 23 June 2013

10 Steps To Help You Get Out Of The Pits

Don’t hesitate to ask your friends for help. It's amazing how much help a true friend can be. If you ask for help, do not get angry at what they say to you. A true friend must be able to tell you what they feel. Listen to their advice; remember, in the end, it is up to you to decide what is good for YOU. And, make sure your friends really are friends. Friends are people who want to help you rise up. Friends take pleasure in your accomplishments. Every person we associate with, even in a friendly way, is not necessarily our friend. Learn to tell the difference. It takes motivation to reach for a higher level of friendship and relationships.

Feel good about yourself.
Are you poor? Are you troubled? So what! These are circumstances only. Circumstances are changeable. Who YOU are is not changeable. Be the same person...whether you are poor, rich, healthy, or sick. Circumstances brought you to where you are; character is WHO you are. Do not allow your circumstances to dictate who you are. Know when to seek professional help. There is a difference in being depressed, and having clinical depression. Know when to seek self help, and when to seek professional help.

Confront your demons, demand respect.
Face the circumstances that are bringing you down and depressing you. Money trouble? Make arrangements for credit counseling. Relationship problems? There are many self help groups or books or organizations that can help you. Try and stay away from the many "chat rooms" or email lists that deal with topics that are bringing you down. (Unless they are truly helpful and informational). Many times people who are in the same circumstances as you will only keep you down, or bring you down further. If you want to rise up out of your circumstances look to a higher level of relationships. For instance if you are jobless, do not join an unemployed chat room, instead, join a “how I found work” type of chat room. You will pick up great tips from those who have achieved success...

Always focus on who you want to be...then create the circumstances to arrive there. 
If you can see yourself rise up in life, then you CAN rise up in life. The first step is always to recognize your own potential. The second step is to seek the help you need to achieve this potential. There is much self help material available to you. 

Treat yourself with respect. Treat others with respect. Learn to love yourself. You know who you are today, and who you want to become tomorrow. Love THAT person. If you can do this then others will also respect you.

Feel good about yourself no matter how down you are.

Visit the elderly, the sick and the lonely. If you own a friendly, happy dog, see about becoming a "dog therapy visitor". This will bring you so much joy. I know, I have 2 dogs that I go visiting the seniors with. If you can bring joy into your life it is already a first step to rid yourself of depression. 

Upgrade yourself, take lessons. There are many free courses available. Always keep learning, expand your mind.

Make a plan. Write a "goal sheet" for yourself. Who do you want to become. What do you really want to do? What would make you happy? If you know where you want to go it is easy to map out a way to get there.

Don't let your faults get you down; they are part of who you are. Learn to live with them and manage them. As my good friend always cannot grow out of your own skin. Be comfortable with who you are.

There is a lot of self help material available on the internet. Material such as: Anger Management. Help for Depression and Anxiety. Stress and Fear Management. There are work books or one on one sessions or group sessions. There is help for adults, children and teens.It is out there for you.

A Short Story. There once was a person, a very depressed person, who had fallen deep into an emotional pit. Along came a doctor. The doctor wrote a prescription and tossed it down to this person.

Then, along came a pastor. He also recognized this person's condition and gave him a bible text word, and threw it down to him. 

A neighbour walked by, and shouted words of encouragement.

And then, along came a friend. This friend jumped right down into the pit with him. All the others said what a fool he was; now they will both be stuck there with no way out.

The friend's answer: "I can show my friend the way out because I have been here myself"

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